Saturday, October 16, 2010

What food craving really means?

Always craving for sweets? Forever reaching out for yet that packet of greasy crisps?

This could be your body's way of telling you to stock up on vitamins and minerals, claim nutritionist Joanna Hall and Nadine Masseron of the British Naturopathic Association in an article. These are the healthy alternatives they feel you could opt for.

You're craving: Burgers, chips and takeaways
Your body wants: Salt

"When your body is working hard, through exercise, stress or even working in an air-conditioned office, it loses salt," says Hall. "Fast food is an instant way of getting it, but you're taking in more than you need, which restricts your blood vessels and raises your blood pressure, as well as piling on calories."

Dig into : Sushi. This is full of sodium-rich seaweed and fish.

You're craving : Crisps and bread
Your body wants : Protein

"A high metabolism means you burn food quicker so you crave carbs that will fill you up," explains Masseron. "But you'll be hungry again soon after. Protein takes longer to digest, so you'll feel satisfied for longer."

Dig into : Meat, fish, chicken or eggs - have one of them in every meal (and as 50% of your meal portion).

You're craving : Chocolate
Your body wants : Magnesium

"Magnesium helps the body's metabolic system give you energy," says Hall. "When we're tired, chocolate is tempting as it contains magnesium, but sugar will just make you lethargic. Avoid."

Dig into : Nuts, seeds and wholegrain (found in wholemeal bread and porridge).

You're craving : Caffeine
Your body wants : Iron

"Women lose a lot of iron during their menstrual cycle," says Masseron. "If you don't replace it quickly, you'll feel tired because it helps distribute oxygen around the body. You may crave coffee to perk you up, but after the caffeine wears off, you'll feel tired again."

Dig into : Crudités, such as raw broccoli, or dried fruit, such as apricots and figs.

source: Times of India

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flat stomach food guide

Tired of not knowing what kinds of foods to eat? Not sure how much fat, calories and sodium you should be consuming everyday? All the tips you need are here....
  • In addition to regular exercise, you'll also want to add some fat burning foods to your diet to help trim your waistline.
  • Foods that are high in protein and fibre are the best kinds of food to eat if you want to burn fat around your middle.

Did you know that it takes more energy to digest protein than it does to digest fat? So the more protein you eat, the more calories your body burns.

Eggs are super high in protein and can help you burn that unwanted belly fat. They contain the vitamin B12 – a great supplement for breaking down fat cells.

You may have heard all the warnings about eggs and your health. That's because a couple of eggs will put you over the recommended daily amount of cholesterol.

Well, more recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol. Dietary fat is the real culprit. It's what raises your bad cholesterol levels.

However, if you're still worried about your overall cholesterol intake from eating too many eggs, you can remove the yolk and still benefit from the high protein contained in eggs.

Low fat dairy products
According to an article in Obesity Research, women who ate low-fat dairy products, such as nonfat yogurt and low-fat milk, three to four times a day, lost 70 per cent more fat than low-dairy dieters.

In another study done at Purdue University those who consumed 3 cups of fat-free milk gained less weight over the course of 2 years than those on low calcium diets.

So, not only do dairy products help you strengthen your bones, they can also play an essential role in burning that unwanted body fat.

If you are a regular consumer of milk and other dairy products, that's great, just watch your proportions and perhaps switch over to the low or no fat varieties.

While beans are often associated with the gastrointestinal disturbances they may cause, they are also very good sources of protein, fibre and iron.

Some of the best kinds of beans to eat are:

- Navy beans
- White beans
- Kidney beans
- Lima beans

And as always, limit baked and refried beans in your diet as refried beans contain tons of saturated fat, while baked beans are usually loaded in sugar. Sure, you'll be getting your protein but you'll also be consuming a lot of fat and sugar that you don't need.

Here's something else to remember. Be sure to cook your beans thoroughly because our digestive tracks are not adapted to breaking down some proteins that are contained in certain beans.

Tip: A vegetable called Edamame (pronounced ed-uh-ma-may) – an organic soybean in a pod often served at Japanese restaurants.

All you do is boil them for three minutes, add a pinch of salt and eat the soybeans out of the pods. They are surprisingly tasty and very good for you. One serving contains 10 grams of soy protein. The best place to find them is at a store that sells organic foods.

While it may not be the tastiest thing you can eat, oatmeal definitely has some great nutritional qualities.

You may have noticed that many of the oatmeal brands are now boasting that eating more oatmeal will help lower your cholesterol level. That's because oatmeal is loaded with soluble fibre which helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing those bad digestive acids out of your system.

The best kind of oatmeal to eat is unsweetened and unflavoured. While it's tempting to select the apples and cinnamon flavour and load it with butter and sugar – you really lose out on all the health benefits. If you must sweeten your bowl of oatmeal, do so by adding fruit.

Or add a spoonful of honey (much better for you than sugar) and a handful of raisins or dried cranberries.

Oatmeal is also beneficial in fighting colon cancer and heart disease.

Olive oil
Certain fats are good for you and your body needs them. Olive oil is one of those 'good fats'. In fact, it's so good that it helps you burn fat and keeps your cholesterol down.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that researchers are finding provide outstanding health benefits. One ounce of extra virgin olive oil contains about 85 per cent of the daily value for monounsaturated fat.

So instead of taking a swig of orange juice in the morning, many dieters are picking up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil.

Whole grains
These days everyone seems to be screaming "No carbs!" It's as if the world has gone no-carb crazy and everyone is running from sliced breads and pastas.

Well the truth is, your body needs carbohydrates. If you go without them completely your body will start to crave them. So it's not a good idea to exclude all carbs because the right kinds are actually good for you.

It's the processed carbohydrates that are bad for you – the white breads, bagels, pastas, and white rice to name a few.

The above foods have all been processed, thus stripping out all the nutrients leaving you with loads of starch.

The key is to eat 'whole grain' foods because they haven't been processed and contain the fiber and minerals your body needs.

So don't be fooled by a loaf of bread labeled 'wheat'. Regular wheat bread is still lacking in vitamins and minerals. Manufacturers add molasses to it so it turns brown.

Don't let them trick you. The only kind of bread that's good for you is the kind that's labeled 'whole grain'.

Meat and fish
Turkey and beef are great for building muscle and boosting the immune system, but as always you have to be careful as:

Basted turkeys are usually injected with fatty substances while beef contains saturated fat. If you are going to eat beef, be sure to consume the leanest cuts you can find by looking for 'loin' or 'round' on the labels.

Salmon and tuna are also good sources of protein. They both contain omega-3 fatty acids which may sound bad, but are actually healthy fats. These two foods are also good for giving your immune system a nice boost and should be consumed at least thrice a week.

from The Times of India

Sunday, August 29, 2010

चिली में सुरंग खोदने की तैयारी

चिली में खदान में फंसे 33 खनिकों को बाहर निकालने के लिए तैयारियां ज़ोरों पर हैं.
इस कोशिश में एक हाइड्रौलिक नली के कल पुर्ज़ों को जोड़ने का काम किया जा रहा है जिसके सहारे एक शाफ़्ट को खदान में नीचे उतारा जाएगा. इसी शाफ़्ट में बैठकर एक एक करके खनिक बाहर आ सकेंगे.
हांलाकि घटनास्थल पर राहत के इंतज़ाम के लिए खुदाई रात-दिन हो रही है लेकिन इस बचाव कार्य में कई महीने लग सकते हैं.
चीफ़ इंजीनियर आंद्रे साउग्रे ने कहा है कि "हमने मशीन के प्लैटफ़ॉर्म को बनाने का काम पूरा कर लिया है.हम उम्मीद करते हैं कि रविवार और सोमवार के बीच हम शाफ़्ट को नीचे उतारने का काम शुरू कर देंगे."

खनिकों को हो रहा है डिप्रेशन

चिली की धंसी हुई खदान में फंसे 33 खनिकों में से कुछ अवसाद का शिकार हो रहे हैं.
चिली के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री जेम मनालिच का कहना है कि इनमें से पाँच लोग ठीक से खाना नहीं खा रहे हैं और उन्होंने स्वयं को फ़िल्माए जाने से इनकार कर दिया.
स्वास्थ्य मंत्री का कहना था कि मनोवैज्ञानिक इंटरकॉम के ज़रिए इन लोगों के उपचार की कोशिश करेंगे.
इंजीनियरों का कहना है कि इन्हें बचाने के लिए सुरंग बनाए जाने का काम सोमवार से शुरू होगा हालाँकि उसे पूरी तरह तैयार होने में चार महीने तक लग सकते हैं.
पिछले तीन हफ़्ते से फंसे इन लोगों का पता केवल 22 अगस्त को ही लग पाया था.
खनिकों को बुधवार को बता दिया गया था कि उन्हें बाहर निकालने में चार महीने तक का समय लग सकता है.
स्वास्थ्य मंत्री का कहना है कि उस समय तो उन्होंने शांत भाव से इस ख़बर को सुना लेकिन इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है कि मानसिक रूप से उन्हें भारी चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ेगा.
हमने मशीन के प्लैटफ़ॉर्म को बनाने का काम पूरा कर लिया है.हम उम्मीद करते हैं कि रविवार और सोमवार के बीच हम शाफ़्ट को नीचे उतारने का काम शुरू कर देंगे.
आंद्रे साउग्रे,चीफ़ इंजीनियर
एक छोटी सी सुरंग नीचे तक खोदी गई है जिससे इन्हें खाना और पानी पहुँचाया जा रहा है.

स्पेन और ऑस्ट्रेलिया से वे उपकरण मंगाए गए हैं जिनके ज़रिए इन्हें बाहर निकालने के लिए एक बड़ी सुरंग तैयार की जाएगी.
इन खनिकों ने स्वयं ही एक फ़िल्म तैयार की जिसका चिली के टेलीविज़न पर प्रसारण हुआ. इतनी बड़ी मुसीबत से जूझने के बावजूद इनमें से अधिकतर शांत नज़र आ रहे थे.

लेकिन, जैसाकि चिली के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री का कहना है इनमें से पाँच लोग इस फ़िल्म में दिखाई नहीं पड़ रहे हैं.
उन्होंने कहा, इन व्यक्तियों ने ख़ुद को अलग-थलग कर लिया है. वे फ़िल्म में दिखाई नहीं देना चाहते थे और वे ठीक से खा भी नहीं रहे हैं. मैं तो यह कहूँगा कि इसके लिए सही शब्द डिप्रेशन यानी अवसाद है.
सभी 33 खनिकों के परिवार खदान के बाहर पहरा दे रहे हैं.
बीबीसी के जेम्स रेनॉल्ड्स का कहना है कि रिश्तेदारों से कहा जा रहा है कि वे खान में फंसे अपने प्रियजनों को उनका मनोबल बनाए रखने के लिए पत्र भेजते रहें.
इस बीच खनिकों के परिवारजन इस बात पर सवाल उठा रहे हैं कि जब एक दुर्घटना के बाद खान बंद कर दी गई थी तो फिर एक साल बाद 2008 में उसे दोबारा खोलने का निर्णय क्यों लिया गया.
अट्ठाईस खनिकों के परिवार वालों ने खदान कंपनी के ख़िलाफ़ मुक़दमा दायर किया है.
हालाँकि कंपनी के मालिकों ने इस दुर्घटना की ज़िम्मेदारी लेने से इनकार कर दिया है.
अपने लंबे इंतज़ार के दौरान उन्हें मानसिक और शारीरिक रूप से चुस्त रखने के लिए विशेष कसरत और खेलों के कार्यक्रम तैयार किए जा रहे हैं.
खनिकों से यह भी कहा गया है कि वे रात और दिन के बीच फ़र्क़ करते रहें.
अगले हफ़्ते अमरीकी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी नासा के वे डॉक्टर वहाँ पहुँच रहे हैं जो अंतरिक्षयात्रियों को उनके लंबे मिशन के दौरान स्वस्थ रहने के गुर बताते हैं. ये डॉक्टर चिली में चिकित्सा अधिकारियों की मदद करेंगे.

:- बी बी सी हिंदी के सौजन्य से

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Communication in India (1950-1985) (Lohita's Homework)

Before 1950 i.e. during the British period all major cities & towns in India were linked with telephones.

It was actually between 1950 & 1985 that communication in India saw significant growth. 

First Telex services were introduced in 1953 in Mumbai.


In 1960 first S.T.D. (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) route was started between Kanpur & Lucknow.

It was in 1985 when the first modern Mobile Telephone Service was started in Delhi.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dealing with backstabbers

Backstabbing at workplace certainly devastates individuals, especially when a person doesn’t know ho to deal with it. Now, career guru Kepcher has offered some advice on how to identify and cope with backstabbers at workplace.
Credit stealer
Seemingly helpful team player who will enthusiastically support your suggestions and work to make the project a big success – particularly because she intends to take credit.

This will include magnifying her own role, using personal pronouns such as “I” and “me” as substitutes for “we” whenever possible.

The chameleon
He, too, will appear to be a helpful team player, offering encouragement and support in private.

However, the chameleon will launch into his command performance whenever bosses are present and criticize ideas he supported some time back, including subtly accusing his peers of failing to notice the problems.

His every move is an effort to make himself look good — by making others look bad.

Occasionally, the Backstabber will also be the boss. Sigourney Weaver nailed this role in the movie "Working Girl.”

The most encouraging boss imaginable will steal the assistant’s potentially career-making idea.

How to handle all kinds of backstabbers at your office, by Kepcher, reports the New York Daily News :

- Stay calm. Do not let them make you emotional and defensive.
- Don’t wander through the jungle alone. Beware of private conversations that can be misquoted later.
-Use mail and group meetings to document your contributions.
- Be polite, but persistent. Learn to say no.
- Use direct phrases such as, “I’m perplexed you have so many negative comments about our idea since you were so supportive when we spoke privately yesterday. Is there a reason you didn’t bring up your concerns until now?”

By being direct and careful, you can help push the Backstabber species in your workplace to extinction as quickly as possible.

Seduce through your eyes!!

Seduction is not just a mind game, your eyes play as important a role. We help you perfect your moves...

All that talk about first impression and lasting ones... well, that’s not all jazz you know. Whoever said it sure knew what they meant. And guess what, if you want to seduce someone, you’ve got to do more than just dress and speak the role, you have a secret yet powerful tool at easy disposal, your eyes. Making the right eye contact and giving the right signals via your eyes to the person you are interested in means about 50 per cent of your work done. The truth is that most of the communication that occurs between two people who are interested in each other is wordless, it’s all about the looks.

Even the experts will vouch for this. In fact, communication and body language counsellors opine that the basic components of eye behaviour are easy to master once a person knows how they work. So, if you want to ensure that you always use your eyes fluently and with dazzling effect, here are four simple steps you need to follow.

Establish : The first thing you need to do when you meet is to look into the eyes of the other person. A confident look will create a positive first impression. Establishing eye contact is a specially handy tool when you’re trying to gain the attention of an unknown hottie or cutie. In this case, don’t keep staring at him/her, it may feel like you’re stalking them. Instead, make short frequent glances. If the opposite person reciprocates your move and holds your gaze, it a silent signal that you have the ‘permission’ to go ahead and initiate a conversation. Start of with introducing yourself.

Maintain : Now that you’ve started a conversation, it’s time for step two. Yes, we agree you can’t keep looking into each others eyes forever, but try to maintain eye contact for as long as it’s possible. Studies say the average gaze time for an average listener is a minuscule three seconds. But you need to go a tad further, try to hold your partner’s gaze for at least five to seven seconds. This will make it look like you’re paying attention and care about what the other person is saying. How does this work? It’s a two-way effect. While is makes the person opposite feel important, it will make you more ‘attractive’ in their eyes. Mission accomplished!

Maximise : You know your mission and you know that it’s your eyes that are going to be in focus. Hence, it’s most important that you pay attention to how your eyes look. Ladies, don’t hesitate to do them up to best effect, there are tons of products available in the market to help you. And it is a know fact that kajal gives the eyes a certain depth while clearly defining one’s eyes.

Widen : There’s something about large eyes that catches the attention of the person opposite. And ladies, though it may be a tad exaggerated in movies, fluttering your eyelashes does have that devastating effect on the opposite sex. There’s also a technique that will help you make your eyes appear larger; raise your brows and slightly lower your eye lids. If reports are to be believed, Marilyn Monroe herself often used this highly successful technique.

There you have it, now that you’ve mastered the formula, it’s time for you to try it out.

RIM's 'BlackPad' Tablet: Why It'll Succeed, Why It Won't

Despite growing competition from Apple's iPhone and Google's Android platforms, Research In Motion (RIM) reigns supreme in the U.S. smartphone market. Its market share tops 40 percent, and it's shipped more than 100 million BlackBerry devices. RIM's new BlackBerry 6 operating system and rumored Bold 9800 handset will likely debut on Tuesday at a media even in New York City. And the company's a major player internationally too.

RIM's lacking in the tablet department, however. Apple's iPad is a proven hit, and a varied assortment of Google Android-based slates will arrive before the end of the year. But RIM may be gearing up to launch its own tablet in November. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the device will be called the "BlackPad," feature iPad-like dimensions (including a 9.7-inch screen), and sport Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless connectivity.

But can RIM segue from smartphones to slates? Let's take a look:


Huge market share: Since BlackBerry rules the business world, RIM is in an excellent position to parlay its smartphone success into strong tablet sales in the enterprise market.

Best business tools: RIM's new Enterprise Server 5 software has some of the best mobile management tools in the industry, including the ability to separate business and personal content on a BlackBerry phone. For instance, an IT administrator can remove corporate data from an employee-owned BlackBerry without touching the worker's personal information and apps. Those features could prove appealing on a RIM tablet too.


Uncertain market: The iPad is primarily an entertainment device for consumers. It won't print (at least not without some third-party help), won't run Flash, and it really isn't built for business use. It remains unclear how business users will take to tablets.

Few apps: The BlackBerry App World catalogue has a sparse selection of 8000-plus apps, according to RIM. (I counted just over 8700 a couple of weeks ago.) Compared to Apple's 225,000 apps in its App Store, and the 60,000-plus apps in Google's Android Market, BlackBerry's store shelves look practically bare. However, these three platforms will probably be on a more even level (with the iPad taking the lead) when we start comparing apps written exclusively for tablets.

Dumb name: BlackPad? Sure, I get the synergy with "BlackBerry," but the tablet sounds like something right out of a 70's blaxploitation flick. Does a baaad mutha like John Shaft use a BlackPad?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I did not die . . .

Do not stand by and weep . . .
I'm not there . . .
I do not sleep . . .
I am the thousand winds that blow . . .
I am the diamond that glints on the snow . . .
I am the sun on the ripened grain . . .
I am the gentle autumn rain . . . of quiet birds in circled flight . . .
I am the soft stars that shine at night . . .
Do not stand by & cry . . .
I am not there . . . 
I did not die . . . . . .

from obituary of Namrata Chadha, pg. 8, The Times of India, Saturday, June 14, 2010.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sure shot ways to burn fat, fast !

It takes great determination to lose weight. The fat has just been adding up for months or years, as the case may be. However, don’t kill yourself with a mean crash diet to get into a bikini, simply follow our expert-backed tips to fall into shape. 

‘How to get started’ is a major cause of concern. Whether it is sweating it out at the gym or going for long jogs, it is a tough call for most fitness novices. At such a juncture it is imperative to understand your body and its fitness requirement. And accordingly zero in on a work-out routine. We take a look at five fast fat burning moves... 

Cardio exercises 
Cardios are the best form of exercise for beginners. There is no refuting the fact that to blast calories you need to break a sweat. A lean body can never be yours without sweating out the excess flab. And cardio exercises help you achieve just that; they boost your stamina, make you energetic and flexible to take up an even rigorous fitness regime. Running on the treadmill, cross-trainer, cycling, swimming and skipping are the most popular forms of cardio. While a treadmill exercises the whole body, cross-trainers are for the hips and thighs. You can even go for the cycling option at a gym; there are two kinds of cycles, one for thighs and the other for thighs and stomach. 
Once you have set up a routine, gradually cut down on fish, red meat, fries, butter, cheese and junk food of every kind. Take a good dose of water depending on your body requirement. Coconut water and fresh fruit juices too can be taken post meals. 

One might complain of lack of variety in a spinning class, as the exercise routine can get a tad monotonous. However, spinning is a wonderful way to burn calories and keeps your muscles toned. Agreed, cycling in the open is a far viable option as it lets you enjoy the local sights and take in fresh air, but rainy season and foggy winters can put a dampener on your fitness schedule. Request your trainer to come up with varied routines to keep up the interest. At a spinning studio, with the help of background music and varied lighting, a soothing and happy atmosphere is recreated. Not to mention, spinning works best when alternated with cardio exercises. It helps lose fat and build muscles. You can do 30-45 minutes of non-stop spinning once in eight days, if you are combining it with cardio. 
Food intake should be half of your normal diet. You can consume small portions of all kinds of food you like, but say no to fries, butter and cheese. 

Trapeze workout 
The form of workout is named after the lesser-known trapeze muscle which all of us have, but isn’t very prominent. Trapeze muscles are connected at either ends to the collar bone and hence move parts of the skeleton. Little wonder, fitness addicts and body builders sport such a neat shoulder and neck line. To chisel out your trapeze muscles, the ‘Dumbbell shrugs’ and ‘Barbell shrugs’ are most effective. The former flexes your side form, while the latter is for the front form. It is to be noted that trapeze exercises are not for beginners, as it requires an already lean body. A few months of rigorous cardio and spinning can have you ready for trapeze. Outside of building swoon-worthy muscles, it helps keep sinus and cervical disorders at bay. A healthy trapeze routine requires each body part be exercised twice a week. 
A wholesome diet, but avoid greasy and junk food at any cost. Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juices and coconut water. 

Aerobics and resistance training 
Such an exercise routine is best practiced at a fitness club under the guidance of expert trainers who understand your fitness level better. Resistance and flexibility exercises help increase stamina, and if rigorously followed, bring you in shape. Resistance is a set of weight lifting exercises, while flexibility is for the lower body. With music in the backdrop, aerobic exercises are a fun way to burn extra fat and get fitter. It facilitates a great deal of interaction with your fellow practitioners and one could also pick up some interesting routines together. To achieve best results, do resistance workout at least thrice a week. Warm up with a set of cardio exercises such as jumping and skipping to build stamina. You burn more calories by alternating aerobics with resistance and flexibility exercises. 
Avoid food with high carbohydrate content such as potato, banana etc. If you like eating rice, take a small portion in the afternoon. Simply keep away from all kinds of fried stuff. 

Pilates is also a kind of aerobic exercise which entails a whole set of routines on the floor - on a mat. Group classes are conducted at a fitness club, where the trainer shows new routines on a regular basis, depending on the ability of the students. After a basic two-day training, the body status of the student is decided and a goal is fixed for the week. Pilates exercises the whole body and burns calories. There are as many as one hundred routines for the abs only. While you are free to buy tapes and practice Pilates in your living room, the knowledge of a live trainer and his ability to access your body strength cannot be negated either. Ideally, about four kilograms a month is the healthiest way to shed weight. 
A wholesome diet, but avoid greasy and junk food at any cost. Drink plenty of water, juices and coconut water. Not to mention, carbohydrate-rich food should be taken only occasionally. 

Did you know, to lose a kilo you need to burn 7700 calories! Time you slipped into your track pants and broke some sweat. 

(With valuable inputs from Ivan Sabana, fitness expert, The Resort, Mumbai, and Tarun Sahu, asst. fitness manager, Celebrity Fitness Club, Gurgaon)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Everything's planned . . god has everything planned in our life . . for which he sometimes sends us signals . . signals or so called premonitions which in advance tell us what to expect from life . . one such premonition i had this morning which unfortunately turned out to be true . . and has given my professional life an unwanted turn . . not being sure what to expect next i have decided to go along with my thoughts & live life with my set of rules . . there's nothing that can stop you from doing what you want unless you bow to to the negativities . . .

it might sound not logical to some people but then it's my life and i ought to live the way i want to . . yes there are rules at places but then there has to be a ideally logical limit to them . . .

:- tarun

Thursday, February 25, 2010

क्रिकेट के भगवान सचिन

सचिन तेंदुलकर ने वनडे क्रिकेट में इतिहास रचने के बाद अपने दोहरे शतक को भारतीय लोगों को समर्पित किया है. तेंदुलकर ने मैच के बाद भारतीय क्रिकेट प्रेमियों का आभार व्यक्त किया. उन्होंने कहा,''मैं नहीं जानता कि इस उपलब्धि पर कैसे प्रतिक्रिया करूं. मैं इस दोहरे शतक को भारतीय जनता को समर्पित करता हूँ जो पिछले 20 साल से मेरे उतार-चढ़ावों में हमेशा मेरा साथ देते रहे हैं. मैं उनके सहयोग को कभी नहीं भुला सकता.'' मैच के बाद उन्होंने कहा कि जब वो 175 रन के पार पहुंच गए थे तब उन्हें लगा कि 200 रन के जादुई आंकड़े को छुआ जा सकता है. उन्होंने कहा,''जब मैं 175 रन के पार पहुंच गया तब मुझे लगा कि मैं दोहरे शतक तक पहुंच सकता हूँ. लेकिन मैं इसी के बारे में नहीं सोच रहा था. जब मैं इसके बेहद क़रीब पहुँच गया तभी इस बारे में मैंने सोचना शुरू किया.''

ऐतिहासिक पारी

उल्लेखनीय है कि सचिन तेंदुलकर ने बुधवार को दक्षिण अफ्रीका के ख़िलाफ़ ग्वालियर में नाबाद 200 रन बनाए थे. मैं नहीं जानता कि इस उपलब्धि पर कैसे प्रतिक्रिया करूं. मैं इस दोहरे शतक को भारतीय जनता को समर्पित करता हूँ जो पिछले 20 साल से मेरे उतार-चढ़ावों में हमेशा मेरा साथ देते रहे हैं. सचिन तेंदुलकर वो वनडे में दोहरा शतक बनाने वाले दुनिया के पहले बल्लेबाज़ बन गए हैं. बाद में पत्रकारों से बातचीत में सचिन तेंदुलकर ने कहा कि रिकॉर्ड तो टूटने के लिए ही बनते हैं. सचिन ने कहा कि वो अपनी क्रिकेट का पूरा आनंद उठा रहे हैं और उन्हें खुशी है कि उनकी पारी से टीम ने बड़ी जीत दर्ज की.

सचिन ने कप्तान महेंद्र सिंह धोनी, दिनेश कार्तिक और यूसुफ पठान की भी तारीफ़ की जिन्होंने उनका साथ दिया.

बी बी सी के सौजन्य से

Monday, February 22, 2010

10 Habits of happy couples

What does it take to be happy in a relationship? If you’re working to improve your marriage, here are a few habits of happy couples.

1. Go to bed at the same time

Remember the beginning of your relationship, when you couldn’t wait to go to bed with each other to make love? Happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed at different times. They go to bed at the same time, even if one partner wakes up later to do things while their partner sleeps.

2. Cultivate common interests

After the passion settles down, it’s common to realise that you have few interests in common. But don’t minimise the importance of activities you can do together that you both enjoy. If common interests are not present, happy couples develop them. At the same time, be sure to cultivate interests of your own; this will make you more interesting to your mate and prevent you from appearing too dependent.

3. Walk hand in hand or side by side

Rather than one partner lagging or dragging behind the other, happy couples walk comfortably hand in hand or side by side. They know it’s more important to be with their partner than to see the sights along the way.

4. Make trust and forgiveness your default mode

If and when they have a disagreement or argument, and if they can’t resolve it, happy couples default to trusting and forgiving rather than distrusting and begrudging.

5. Focus more on what your partner does right than what he or she does wrong

If you look for things your partner does wrong, you can always find something. If you look for what he or she does right, you can always find something, too. It all depends on what you want to look for. Happy couples accentuate the positive.

6. Hug each other as soon as you see each other after work

Our skin has a memory of “good touch” (loved), “bad touch” (abused) and “no touch” (neglected). Couples who say hello with a hug keep their skin bathed in the “good touch,” which can inoculate your spirit against anonymity in the world.

7. Say “I love you” and “Have a good day” every morning

This is a great way to buy some patience and tolerance as each partner sets out each day to battle traffic jams, long lines and other annoyances.

8. Say “Good night” every night, regardless of how you feel

This tells your partner that, regardless of how upset you are with him or her, you still want to be in the relationship. It says that what you and your partner have is bigger than any single upsetting incident.

9. Do a “weather” check during the day

Call your partner at home or at work to see how his or her day is going. This is a great way to adjust expectations so that you’re more in sync when you connect after work. For instance, if your partner is having an awful day, it might be unreasonable to expect him or her to be enthusiastic about something good that happened to you.

10. Be proud to be seen with your partner

Happy couples are pleased to be seen together and are often in some kind of affectionate contact - hand on hand or hand on shoulder or knee or back of neck. They are not showing off but rather just saying that they belong with each other.

Happy couples have different habits than unhappy couples. A habit is a discrete behaviour that you do automatically and that takes little effort to maintain. It takes 21 days of daily repetition of a new a behaviour to become a habit. So select one of the behaviours in the list above to do for 21 days and voila, it will become a habit...and make you happier as a couple. And if you fall off the wagon, don’t despair, just apologize to your partner, ask their forgiveness and recommit yourself to getting back in the habit.

If there was one key to happiness in love and life, and possibly even success, it would be to go into each conversation you have with this commandment to yourself front and foremost in your mind, "Just Listen."

from the indiatimes network

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Women men love to hate

Men love women, while women continue finding endless reason to loathe a man. Reasons like a man’s high sex drive, abusive lingo, his dominating behaviour or chauvinist traits are often looked down upon by the fairer sex.
But what if men also start putting women in certain stereotypes and chose their mate based on these guidelines. Sounds interesting! Be it a woman's jealous behaviour, her over-the-top attitude or her gregariousness– these traits can also irk a male partner. It's a fact that men consider these attributes while choosing a potential mate.

Here are the most typical female typecasts as defined by men.

Jealous / over possessive all the time : If you thought that the best way to hold on to your man is to be over possessive and go green with envy every time he hangs around with other girls, it’s time for a reality check! Boys like to be a one-woman man, but they won’t really appreciate your jealous behaviour if it's a recurrent behavioural trait.

Here’s why : Dr. Shivani Gupte, a clinical psychologist reasons, “Jealously comes when you are over possessive about a person and in case of men, they need their space in a relationship. But if you behave like a watchdog or keep a tab on every girl around them, it is irking. Not only will such behaviour act as a turn off, but it will also show how insecure you are about your guy.”

Attitude problems : It's good to carry a distinct attitude, but if you inadvertently show too much of it in front of your man, things may turn sour. Girls often like to be known for their pompous touch-me-not attitude, but showing it all the time can make you look like an arrogant and egotistical lady, and men don’t really find that alluring.

Here’s why : Dr. Karunesh Sharma, a marriage counsellor says, “A man can stand all kinds of tantrums you throw, but when it comes to attitude problems, it’s his self-respect and ego that come to the fore, so do not expect any compromises here. Even if you’re too supercilious, it’s advised to keep aside your attitude and respect the man you’re with.”

Material Gal : ‘She wants your money’ – you’d have heard the phrase many a times and might have believed it too that most girls get into a relationship depending upon their guy’s bank balance. But men seem to have become smarter nowadays. Most guys don't believe in taking their girl out for a luxurious date, buying her expensive clothes and opulent gifts. The moment a guy realises that his girl is more interested in his money and not him; it will put him off.

Here’s why : Dr. Amita Mishra, a relationship expert opines, “Men are perceived to be the providers, but this develops at a later stage when he's married and has a family to look after. But if you think that they will fulfill all your monetary demands, paying your shopping and restaurant bills, you are mistaken. Being overtly materialistic, often dilutes the actual meaning of being in a relationships. So men are less likely to get attracted to a girl who gives too much priority to money.”

Drama queen : If you create too much drama whenever you seek attention from your man, you are in for a lot of trouble. Men are not keen to be seen with a crybaby or someone who creates a big fuss out of every small issue.

Here’s why : Dr. Shivani adds, “Behaving a tad too loud in a relationship often points out to the fact that you're seeking attention and wanting to be the topic of discussion. Reacting to situations in a dramatic way can't get the purpose solved every time because you need to portray yourself as a strong and independent woman and not an emotional dependent with teary tales.”

Too progressive : Agreed that it’s a modern world and no girl wants to be seen in an old fashioned salwar kameez or sari. But does your guy love your modernistic approach? Well, maybe not! At least when it comes to meeting his family, guys expect to have a homely woman who blends modern and traditional values.

Here’s why : Dr. Sharma asserts, “Being overtly modern can backfire sometimes, as it’s often believed that when it comes to choosing a mate, men often look up to their moms, seeking similar attributes in their wives. Though it’s not bad to be modern, but it’s equally important to maintain your moral values and be in sync with the Indian culture, which men surely appreciate.”

From the Times of India, 18th Feb'10

Monday, February 15, 2010

गूगल देव को प्रणाम

तैंतीस हज़ार करोड़ देवी देवताओं की जमात में जल्दी ही एक नाम और जुड़ने वाला है. भगवान गूगल का.

भगवान गूगल की महिमा अपरंपार है. वो सर्वज्ञानी हैं. सभी समस्याओं के बारे में जानते हैं और उनके पास समाधान भी है.

जिन मामलों में आम देवता कुछ नहीं कर सकते गूगल उनमें भी मदद कर सकते हैं.

पढ़ाई करनी हो, शादी करनी हो, दुःख प्रकट करना हो, खुशी प्रकट करनी हो, सब में गूगल महाराज की मदद ली जा सकती है.

उनके दस हाथ या दस सर नहीं हैं बल्कि लाखों हाथ और सर हैं जिन्हें वेबपेज कहा जाता है.

कुछ भी जानना हो तो गूगल देव को याद कीजिए. मात्र स्मरण भर से पुण्य मिलता है और सवाल पूछते ही जवाब मिल जाता है.

बड़े फ़ायदे हैं गूगल के तभी वो देवताओं की श्रेणी में शामिल होने ही वाले हैं. अगर नहीं मानते हैं तो याद कीजिए आखिरी बार किसी सवाल के जवाब के लिए आपने कौन सी किताब उठाई थी?

या फिर किसी दोस्त से किसी तथ्य की प्रमाणिकता के लिए आपने कब किसी अख़बार का हवाला दिया था?

कोई तथ्य प्रमाणिक न लगे तो सीधे गूगल महाराज की शरण में जाना आपको ज़रुर याद आएगा.

हां ये बात और है कि गूगल महाराज आपको संपादित सामग्री नहीं देते. वो दुनिया भर की सारी जानकारी आपको दे देते हैं. उसमें सही और ग़लत क्या है ये आपको ही तय करना है.

गूगल देव का सबसे बड़ा वरदान पत्रकारों को मिला है. उनकी भूमिका जर्नलिज़्म में इतनी बड़ी है कि कई लोग अब जर्नलिज़्म की बजाय गूगलिज़्म करते हैं और उनके लिखे ( या चुराए?) गए लेख काफ़ी पसंद भी किए जाते हैं.

हां गूगल देव के किसी दूसरे भक्त ने देवता की मदद से ये चोरी पकड़ ली तो बात और है.

गूगल की महिमा बताने वाली एक किताब है, 'व्हाट वुड गूगल डू' यानी गूगल क्या करता.

ये किताब गूगल देव की असीम लोकप्रियता और सफलता के बारे में बताते हुए सलाह देता है कि आज के युग में कुछ भी करना हो तो ये ध्यान करें कि अगर गूगल देव आपकी स्थिति में होते तो क्या करते? बस उस कार्य में सफलता आपके क़दम चूम सकती है. पुस्तक के बारे में और जानकारी के लिए गूगल पर पुस्तक का नाम टाइप कर सकते हैं.

लेकिन गूगल देव आप पर कितने मेहरबान हैं इसके भी उपाय हैं यानी देवता को क्या भेंट करना है तो देवता प्रसन्न हों ये भी जानना ज़रुरी है.

मसलन अगर आप चाहते हैं कि सर्च में आपकी सामग्री सबसे ऊपर दिखे तो उसके भी तरीके हैं जिसकी जानकारी या कंसल्टेंसी के लिए गूगल देव के पुजारी अच्छी ख़ासी दक्षिणा लेते हैं.

प्रभु को खुश करने के लिए दक्षिणा तो देनी पड़ती ही है.

वैसे इंटरनेट रुपी ब्रहांड में और भी देवता हैं जो गूगल देव से बराबरी करना चाहते हैं मसलन याहू देव, एओएल देव इत्यादि लेकिन गूगल का स्थान गणेश जी की तरह है. सबसे पहला.

इंटरनेट के ब्रहांड में सबसे पहले गूगल की पूजा होती है.

अब अक्सर जब लोगों को अपनी लोकप्रियता की चिंता होने लगती है या यह सवाल सताने लगता है कि दुनिया में लोग उन्हें जानते भी हैं या नहीं, तो वे फिर गूगल की ही शरण में जाते हैं.

सर्च में जाकर अपना नाम डालिए और गूगल बता देगा कि इंटरनेट की दुनिया में आपकी पहचान कितनी बड़ी है.

ऐसे गूगल देव को शत-शत प्रणाम, जिनके बिना जीवन मुश्किल ही नहीं असंभव सा लगने लगा है.

सुशील झा
बी बी सी हिंदी

Sunday, February 14, 2010

भारतीय खिलाड़ियों को कपड़े तक नसीब नहीं !!

हिंदुस्तान का तो ठीक है जानिये हिंदुस्तान के बाहर अपने ओलंपिक खिलाडियों की बदहाली का आलम, सरकार अपने देश में रह रहे अरबों  नागरिकों का ख्याल तो रख नहीं सकती दूसरे देश में खेलने जा रहे खिलाडियों के लिए कुछ आशा करना बेमानी बात होगी.

कनाडा के वैंकूवर में शुरु विंटर ओलंपिक की पदक तालिका में भारत कहां पर होगा, इसका अंदाजा इसी से लगाया जा सकता है कि उसके खिलाड़ियों के पास न पहनने को यूनीफ़ॉर्म थे और न ही उन्हें पर्याप्त धन मुहैया कराया गया.
कनाडा की स्थानीय मीडिया ने इस मुद्दे को उठाया जिसके बाद वहां रह रहे भारतीय समुदाय के लोग मदद के लिए आगे आए.
खेल से जुड़े सामान बेचने वाले एक दुकानदार ने तीन सदस्यीय भारतीय दल को ट्रैक सूट मुफ़्त में दे दिया ताकि वे उदघाटन समारोह में शामिल हो सकें.
दुकानदार ने कहा कि अब वे भारतीय ऱाष्ट्रीय ध्वज तैयार कर रहे हैं ताकि खिलाड़ियों के यूनीफ़ॉर्म में उसे लगाया जा सके.
एक स्थानीय पंजाबी रेडिये स्टेशन ने ये ख़बर मिलते ही भारतीय समुदाय के लोगों से आर्थिक मदद के लिए आगे आने की अपील की.


भारतीय दल में एक लूगर (बर्फ़ पर रेसिंग करने वाले खिलाड़ी) और दो स्कीइंग खिलाड़ी हैं.
लूगर शिवा केशवन का ल्यूज (जिसके सहारे रेस होती है) भी भारत में वकीलों ने उपहार स्वरूप दिया था

पाँच वकीलों ने मिल कर साढ़े चार लाख रूपए केशवन को दिए जिससे उन्होंने नया ल्यूज ख़रीदा. नवंबर तक वह अपने पुराने ल्यूज़ से अभ्यास कर रहे थे जिसमें कई जगह टेप लगे थे और स्क्रू लगाकर टाइट रखा गया था लेकिन वह टूट गया.
मदद के लिए आगे आए दुकानदार टीजे जोहाल ने स्थानीय मीडिया सीबीसी को बताया कि जब उन्होंने सुना कि भारतीय दल के पास उदघाटन समारोह में शामिल होने के लिए यूनीफ़ॉर्म नहीं हैं, तो वह दंग रह गए.
उनका कहना था, "मेरी पहली प्रतिक्रिया थी कि कोई मज़ाक कर रहा है. वे भारत से हैं जो कपड़ों का देश है और उनके पास कपड़े नहीं हैं? लेकिन तीसरी दुनिया के देशों की यही सच्चाई है."
रेडियो स्टेशन आरजे 1200 की मालिक सुषमा दत्त ने बीबीसी को बताया कि उन्होंने रेडिये के ज़रिए अपील करके लोगों से आठ हज़ार कनाडाई डॉलर इकट्ठे किए हैं.
भारतीय टीम के कप्तान शिवा केशवन ने इस मदद के लिए आभार व्यक्त किया है. उन्होंने कहा, "दुनिया के दूसरे कोने में अपने समुदाय के लोगों से इस तरह की मदद से मुझे गर्व महसूस हो रहा है."
केशवन ने बताया कि वह चौथी बार विंटर ओलंपिक में हिस्सा ले रहे हैं. वो कहते हैं कि एक दशक तक खेलने के बाद पहली बार भारत सरकार ने पिछले साल उन्हें 20 हज़ार डॉलर की राशि उपलब्ध कराई थी.
भारतीय सरकार को शर्म आनी चाहिए की कम से कम देश की इज्ज़त का देश के बहार तो कोई रखवाला नियुक्त करे, ये पहली बार नहीं है की ऐसा कुछ हुआ हो, ऐसे वाकये होते रहे हैं और होते रहेंगे जब तक की कोई इन बातों की सुध नहीं लेता.

बी बी सी की हिंदी सेवा से प्रेरित !