Saturday, February 13, 2010

Proposal Panga's

Valentine's knocking on the door making some more than happy and some more than nervous, here are some moral boosters for the latter kind.

What if she slaps me?
Most negative outcomes occur only in our minds, not in the real world. A woman won’t be mean to you unless you act like a jerk. Even if she turns you down, she’ll love being approached.

Gyaan: To excel in life, you have to push through your fears. Those who do, become champions.

She’ll think it’s too soon...
Real men don’t wait for the woman’s approval. He leads and she follows. She prefers it, but will never tell you. Any time you feel is a good time to ask her out.

Gyaan: It’s better to move fast and apologise, than move too slow and be put in the friend zone forever.

She’s always with friends...
Approach her group and involve everyone in conversation. It’s a huge turn-on for a woman to see a man hold court among her friends. Get her number so that you can exchange information about something she said during the conversation.

Gyaan: The harder the situation, the more she’ll appreciate your effort.

I freeze when I see her
You freeze because you care, and you care because you view her as the prize. Imagine ‘you’re the prize that she is pursuing. Tease her playfully. Each time you meet her, accuse her of stalking you.

Gyaan: Accusing a woman of treating you like a sex object leads to fun flirtations and never-ending conversations.

We’re too friendly to get romantic
She needs to see you as a sexual being. Step up your sexual communication. If she touches you accidentally, say with a cocky smile, ‘You’re touching me a lot lately.’ Or say, ‘Oh my God, you smell great. What are you wearing?’

Gyaan: Don’t abruptly get into boyfriend mode and send her flowers. That’ll make things awkward.

What do i say?
Whether it’s the first date or the first kiss, if it’s a big deal for you, it’ll be a big deal for her as well. Never ask a woman out straight on, instead tell her you’re going and she can join you.

Gyaan: Women prefer a man who is already having fun, so that they can join in too. It makes them feel as if they are already a part of his plans.

What if she tells her friends?
Well, then all the girls will know that you’re a sexual being and all the guys will wish they had your guts. Celebrate it, man!

Gyaan: When we see a man approach a woman, even if he’s rejected, we secretly admire his courage.

Maybe she’s taken...
Maybe she’s in a serious relationship; maybe she has a boyfriend... If you don’t approach and learn later that she was single, you’ll be kicking yourself, won’t you? So it is better to deal with this head on... There’s no other way in a relationship, buddy.

Gyaan: The pain of regret is worse than that of rejection. If she says no, at least you’d have tried... Else you’ll be kicking yourself for life.

Maybe I’m not her type
Men often assume ‘she’ is beyond their league. Here’s a secret: There is one type of man women are attracted to — the alpha male. A dominant, well-groomed, funny guy who is the social centre of the room.

Gyaan: With practice, any man (regardless of age, looks or bank balance) can learn to be the alpha male.

The basics will do
Only a few men approach women. Just having the guts to do so does the trick. Don’t approach her with the objective of making her like you. Do it with the objective of making her have a better time than before.

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